Valves, fittings, and radiant in-floor systems
Legend offers thousands of product solutions in the valve, fitting, and hydronics markets. They stand behind their products with a 5 year, + $25 back warranty. Legend has service commitment that is second to none; as a result, they deliver the best on-time shipping level in the industry – over 99%. They pride themselves on being easy to do business with and guarantee their service as well as their products.
- No minimum orders
- Carton quantities not required
- No restocking fee for returns
- Low freight prepaid
- Guaranteed to ship in 24 hrs (or 5% discount)
- Guaranteed to ship complete (or 5% discount)
- Guaranteed to ship correct (or 5% discount)
► Valves
► Insert Fittings
► Malleable Fittings
► PERT Tubing
► PEX Fittings
► Water Service Fittings
► Hydronic Manifolds, Valves, and Fittings
► Black, Galvanized, Bronze, and Stainless Steel Fittings and Nipples